This world will not remember Putin or the path he has taken. This world will remember when the Ghost of Kyiv was awakened, and haunted a tyrant God has forsaken. Цей світ не згадає Путіна чи шлях, який він пройшов. Цей світ пам’ятає, коли прокинувся привид Києва, і переслідував тирана, якого покинув Бог.

Malicious lives are consumed in the web of a spider that crawled across the truth they tried to conceal. Showing evidence of the lives they executed actions to steal. As they wait for the opening of the Seventh Seal, my Lord’s Judgment, he will reveal. As I watch them slowly become this spider’s meal as […]

If a judge or prosecutor performs their function in our republic in violation of the law. It is the responsibility of the citizens they victimize to move swiftly, ethically, and honorably toward their removal in accordance with the law to safeguard future citizens of this republic from the perpetuation of their tyranny.

When the adversary is defeated, and you retire from the battlefield to find peace, that is when you must defend your family and your land from hellhounds that lacked the courage to defend themselves on foreign ground.

Those who portray righteousness carry the most guilt while persecuting and imprisoning the misunderstood and falsely accusing those that threaten their false reality. I served my country for 20 years not because of what it is but because of what I believe it can be if we have the courage to make it so. “The […]