Iowa Open Records Request – State of Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds – The Deployment of 12th Fleet – Section 09 of 09

1. Open Records Request

The following records are being requested from the office of Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds in accordance with Iowa Code Chapter 22.

(1.) The Meta Facebook social media block list for Meta Facebook Page located at, titled, “Governor Kim Reynolds” – Page · Government Official.”

(2.) One random Facebook Messenger message produced or received by Meta Facebook Page located at, titled, “Governor Kim Reynolds” – Page · Government Official”.

2. Historical Analysis of the Iowa Public Information Board’s Posture Toward Social Media Block Lists During Election Years.

The Iowa Public Information Board determined in case 22FC:0091 (after tabling former Iowa Public Information Board Executive Director Johnson’s 11 OCT 2022 attempt to resolve that State of Iowa government body social media block lists are not public records during the 2022 election year) that social media block lists are public records.

Former Iowa Public Information Board Executive Director Johnson communicated in her original 11 OCT 2022 Dismissal that was tabled by the Iowa Public Information Board the following,

“Public records are defined in Iowa Code Section 22.1(3)(a) as records “stored or preserved in any medium, of or belonging to…any county…” If the government body does not store or preserve a specific record, then there is no record to be released to a record requester.”

Former Iowa Public Information Board Executive Director Margaret Johnson, 11 OCT 2022

The evidence shows that Former Iowa Public Information Board Executive Director Johnson’s thesis is incomplete and flawed. Her proposed dismissal misrepresented and disregarded the aspect of Iowa Code Section 22.1(3.)(a.) that states, “As used in this chapter, “public records” includes all records, documents, tape, or other information, stored or preserved in any medium, of or belonging to...”

Former Iowa Public Information Board Executive Director Johnson’s proposed dismissal of IPIB case 22FC:0091 was not only a flawed misrepresentation of fact and the Iowa Code Section that she was referencing, but it also put forth a dangerous precedent that suggests that if an Iowa government body does not physically store or preserve or have possession of a document, record, or other form of data, it is not a public record as suggested by the Former Executive Director’s interpretation of Iowa Code Section 22.1(3.)(a.).  

Iowa Code Chapter 22.1(3.)(a.) states:

“a. As used in this chapter, “public records” includes all records, documents, tape, or other information, stored or preserved in any medium, of or belonging to this state or any county, city, township, school corporation, political subdivision, nonprofit corporation other than a fair conducting a fair event as provided in chapter 174, whose facilities or indebtedness are supported in whole or in part with property tax revenue and which is licensed to conduct pari-mutuel wagering pursuant to chapter 99D, or tax-supported district in this state, or any branch, department, board, bureau, commission, council, or committee of any of the foregoing.”

Title I – STATE SOVEREIGNTY AND MANAGEMENT – Iowa Code Chapter 22 Examination of Public Records (Open Records) – Iowa Code Section 22.1(3.)(a.)

Former Iowa Public Information Board Executive Director Johnson’s interpretation of Iowa Code Section 22.1(3.)(a.) indicates that no electronic mail, records, documents, or other data “belonging to this state or any county, city, township, school corporation, political subdivision, nonprofit corporation other than a fair conducting a fair event as provided in chapter 174” would be considered public records if they are physically in the possession of a commercial information systems provider (i.e., Facebook Block Lists) while being “stored and preserved” by an Iowa Government body’s contracted information systems provider as shown in the below database. The following database provides evidence of which third-party commercial information systems providers store and preserve most of the State of Iowa’s public records data. Evidence shows that Iowa Public Information Board Executive Director Erika Eckley sought to criminalize the architect of this database in the weeks after the Iowa Public Information Board was informed at the 20 JUL 2023 Iowa Public Information Board meeting of his intention to investigate the evidence showing the Iowa Public Information Board’s alleged failure to properly manifest Iowa Code Chapter 23 for the people of the State of Iowa.

State of Iowa Government Body Information System Providers

State of Iowa County Government Body Information System Providers

State of Iowa Municipal Government Body Information System Providers

State of Iowa Public School District Government Body Information System Providers

State of Iowa Public University Government Body Information System Providers

Iowa Public Information Board case 22FC:0091 was ultimately dismissed (even though evidence shows Jasper County, IA, failed to provide the requested public records before the complaint in case 22FC:0091 was filed/Evidence also indicates that case 22FC:0091 was dismissed following Jasper County, IA Attorney Scott Nicholson’s production of a public record on 08 NOV 2022 that evidence shows he misrepresented on 09 NOV 2022 to the Iowa Public Information Board). In contrast, historical evidence indicates that the Iowa Public Information Board does not correctly report when a violation of Iowa Code Chapter 22 occurs. Historical evidence shows that the Iowa Public Information Board mediates cases between Complainants and Respondents until the Iowa Public Information Board can dismiss a case that no longer provides evidence of violating Iowa Code Chapter 22, regardless of whether evidence existed upon a Complainant filing a complaint supporting an Iowa government body violation of Iowa Code Chapter 22. Irrespective of whether the evidence shows the Iowa government body, a complaint is filed against produced evidence of failing to adhere to Iowa Code Chapter 22 before the complaint was filed with the Iowa Public Information Board. Ultimately, this paradigm creates a reality where the Iowa Public Information Board’s annual reports may not accurately represent actual historical violations of Iowa Code Chapter 22. At the same time, Complainants with legitimate cases are documented as Dismissed by the Iowa Public Information Board and not meeting the criteria, indicating a violation of Iowa Code Chapter 22 has occurred. (Possible Motive: To provide the State of Iowa a comforting illusion of reality within the Iowa Public Information Board’s published annual reports inconsistent with the reality of evidence suggesting the actual condition of compliance of government bodies within the State of Iowa. This is consistent with the evidence showing the Iowa Public Information Board’s disregard for several hundred complaints that were filed in early 2024 that the originator of this public records request is preparing a complaint with the Iowa Civil Rights Commission with regard to the historical evidence showing the leadership of the Iowa Public Information Board’s posture toward service-connected mental health disabilities) Ultimately, Jasper County, IA Attorney Scott Nicholson provided two separate block lists for Jasper County, IA’s Facebook Page, and the Jasper County, IA Sheriff’s Facebook Page in August 2023 (a little over a year after they were requested initially from Jasper County, IA and the Jasper County, IA Sheriff) while contradicting the public record he provided on 08 NOV 2022 and testimony he provided on 09 NOV 2022 to the Iowa Public Information Board while ultimately revealing the following facts:

  1. The Facebook Page Block List for Jasper County, IA Supervisor Brandon Talsma was never released as Jasper County, IA Attorney Scott Nicholson informed the Iowa Public Information Board on 09 NOV 2022.
  2. The Facebook Page Block List for Jasper County, IA Supervisor Doug Cupples was never released as Jasper County, IA Attorney Scott Nicholson informed the Iowa Public Information Board on 09 NOV 2022.
  3. The one Facebook Block List that Jasper County, IA Attorney Scott Nicholson provided on 08 NOV 2022 did not represent all of the requested public record social media block lists he reported was provided to the Iowa Public Information Board in case 22FC:0091 (See: Iowa Code Section 720.5).
  4. As the originator of this public records request reported to the Iowa Public Information Board during the July 2023 meeting in the weeks before, evidence was produced by Executive Director Eckley indicating her attempt to criminalize the work of the originator of this public records request. The evidence shows that the Iowa Public Information Board rubber stamps the testimony of Iowa licensed lawyers regardless of the available evidence or the testimony provided by citizens during complaints. This paradigm, coupled with the evidence shown in the Iowa Public Information Board’s proposed Iowa Code Section 23.8A Vexatious requester petition), indicates that the Iowa Public Information Board manifests and deploys operational bias benefiting Iowa Government Bodies at the expense of citizens seeking assistance with Iowa Code Chapter 21 and 22 related redress of grievances. At the same time, it builds additional concern as to why the only board position that evidence indicates has been vacant for some time is intended for a citizen, as articulated in Iowa Code Section 23.3 (See: “About the Iowa Public Information Board.” Iowa Public Information Board, 30 Apr. 2024, Accessed 22 Aug. 2024).

3. Supporting Evidence

Evidence supporting the requested Meta Facebook Page block list belongs to the State of Iowa in accordance with Iowa Code Chapter 22.1(3.)(a.) and is a public record in accordance with Iowa Public Information Board case 22FC:0091 (Michael J. Merritt/Jasper County, IA):

(1.) The Meta Facebook Page uniform resource locator (URL) references an elected position of the State of Iowa established by Article IV Executive Department of the Constitution of the State of Iowa (See: Constitution of the State of Iowa Codified, page 13).

(2.) The Meta Facebook Page Intro for Meta Facebook Page articulates: “Official account for the Governor of Iowa, Kim Reynolds.” The Governor of Iowa is an elected position established by Article IV Executive Department of the Constitution of the State of Iowa (See: Constitution of the State of Iowa Codified, page 13).

4. Citizen Iowa Code Analysis

The Meta Facebook social media block list for Meta Facebook Page located at, titled “Kim Reynolds” – “Page · Politician,” would not qualify for a public records request because this social media asset does not meet the requirements of Iowa Code Chapter 22.1(3.)(a.) as it is not “of or belonging to this state or any county, city, township, school corporation, political subdivision, nonprofit corporation other than a fair conducting a fair event as provided in chapter 174.” This conclusion is based on the publicly available evidence that shows that Meta Facebook Page located at, titled “Kim Reynolds” – “Page · Politician,” does not represent, belong, or is otherwise affiliated with an elected position, appointed position, or “belonging to this state or any county, city, township, school corporation, political subdivision, nonprofit corporation other than a fair conducting a fair event as provided in chapter 174.”

The Iowa Attorney General’s Office advises that most requests for records are routine and should be handled immediately. Chapter 22.8(4) allows for a “good-faith, reasonable delay” under certain circumstances, including determining whether the records are confidential and not available to the public. The official having custody of the records being sought is allowed up to 20 calendar days to determine whether the documents should be released, but such delays should not ordinarily exceed 10 business days.

The Iowa Supreme Court ruled in a 2013 case (Horsfield Materials Inc. v. City of Dyersville) that a government agency can have additional time to comply with a public records request when “the size or nature of the request makes prompt access infeasible.”

If there is a copying fee, please inform me in advance if it is more than $0. Iowa Code Chapter 22.3 states that the fee shall not exceed the actual cost of providing the service.

5. The Form of Republican Election Interference

Jasper County, IA Supervisor Brandon Talsma
Jasper County, IA Supervisor Doug Cupples

Republicans of Jasper County, IA

Historical Republicans of Jasper County, IA Facebook Page Transparency Report Shows that Jasper County, IA Supervisor Brandon Talsma is or was responsible for this Facebook Page.

6. The Form of Trollum and the Modern Republican Personalities Crisis

Trollum: “Must, have, the presidency. They stole it from us. Sneaky little Democratsays. Wicked, Trixie, FAKE!”
GOPeagle: “No, not the Democrats.”
Trollum: “Yes, current presidency, FAKE! They will cheat you, hurt you, lie.”
GOPeagle: “The Constitution is my friend.”
Trollum: “You don’t have any friends. Nobody likes you.”
GOPeagle: “Not listening. Not listening.”
Trollum: “You’re a liar and a thief.”
GOPeagle: “Nope.”
Trollum: “Criminal.”
GOPeagle: “Go away.”
Trollum: “GO AWAY. HA HA HA HA HA!”
GOPeagle: “I hate you. I hate you.”
Trollum: “Where would we be without me (SNIFF). I saved us. It was me. My policies saved us. We survived because of me!”
GOPeagle: “Not anymore.”
Trollum: “What did you say?”
GOPeagle: “The Constitution looks after us now. We don’t need you.”
Trollum: “What?”
GOPeagle: “Leave now, and never come back.”
Trollum: “NNNOOOOOO!”
GOPEagle: “Leave now, and never come back!”
GOPEagle: “LEAVE NOW, AND NEVER COME BACK…! We told him to go away, and away he goes precious. Gone, gone, gone.”

7. The Form of the Retired US Navy Blue Shirt Writer With Mental Health Disabilities

Iowa Public Information Board Executive Director Erika Eckley: “Yes, you write more public records requests than anyone else. Yes, I was wrong about the work that you are doing. Yes, you have completed a lot of good work in building a database to prevent excessive costs inconsistent with Iowa Code Section 22.3. However, I still need more evidence regarding your City of Marshalltown, IA case…”
Cipher Hunter: “Look, Look. I need this Executive Director Eckley. Just say, Michael. I’ll try…Ok?…Ok?”
Iowa Public Information Board Executive Director Erika Eckley: “Michael, I’ll try.”
Cipher Hunter: “Thank you.”
Iowa Public Information Board Executive Director Erika Eckley: Now, on a pleasanter note, I just got put in for a salary increase to $103,307.60…
Cipher Hunter: “Uh…, yeah, good, nice, uh…, thrilled, exciting, uh…you don’t have to wait with me.”
Iowa Public Information Board Member Julie Pottorff: “I can’t resist. You usually move through here so quickly, and I just have so many questions that I want to ask you. You have no idea what your work means to me.”
Cipher Hunter: “What does it mean to you?”
Iowa Public Information Board Member Julie Pottorff: “That somebody out there knows what it’s like to be in here.”
Cipher Hunter: “Oh God, please bury me at sea and make the pain stop.”
Iowa Public Information Board Member Julie Pottorff: “Oh come on just a couple of questions how hard is that… How do you write Iowa licensed lawyers so well?”
Cipher Hunter: “I think of a blue-collar worker, and I take away reason and accountability.”

8. Iowa Capital ReHash: BREAKING NEWS

US Navy Veteran Suffering from Irritable Bowel Syndrome Reportedly Shitting All Over the Iowa Public Information Board
By: Mark Baughman

Public records recently released by the Iowa Public Information Board show United States Navy Veteran Michael J. Merritt, who public records show has been shitting all over the Iowa Public Information Board for some time, suffers from service-connected irritable bowel syndrome. In an email that Michael Merritt sent to the Iowa Public Information Board, he claimed to be building a public records artificial intelligence analysis system while undergoing a colonoscopy. The Iowa Capital ReHash reached out to Michael Merritt for comment, who responded in typical Cipher Hunter form while articulating on the record, “What, you think any ordinary asshole can do the work that I do?”

9. Wild Hair, Pajamas, Disabilities, and the Art of War

Perceived weaknesses manifest themselves in the form of strengths in the hands of poets of war.


Michael J. Merritt, USN Retired/Writer
Creative Writer/Musician
Information Warfare Specialist
Information Systems Manager

The Form of the Iowa Court

A licensee’s licensed actions and conduct provide evidence for the form of the licensor.

“Bricks made with testimony lacking evidence are equivalent to bricks made with straw without clay.”

“Lies and misrepresentations pay for the Iowa Legislature’s bills in Erika’s mErika.” 

“The evidence supporting Nichol’s Sin produces the question of how many innocent are locked up in the State pen. If the evidence indicates an Iowa County Attorney has zero honor, issue them a pair of pajamas and put them to work at the State’s license plate spawner.”

Cipher Hunter