State of Iowa Talent Bank – Iowa Public Information Citizen Board Member Application

The Form of Keeping Your Friends Close and Your Enemies Closer

This correspondence is being submitted in support of my application to fill the Iowa Public Information Citizen Board Member position in accordance with Iowa Code Section 23.3 Board appointed—executive director.

As we as a society continue to move into a world where public records and public information are ever increasingly stored in cyberstential form across commercial information system providers, it is imperative that the Iowa Public Information Board not only have professional experience within the judicial framework of the Iowa Code, but this state board must also have voting-eligible members educated and trained in the technical aspects of the very information systems that the evidence shows the State of Iowa now contracts and deploys to store and preserve its public information in accordance with Iowa Code Section 22.1(3.)(a.)

State of Iowa Government Body Information System Providers

State of Iowa County Government Body Information System Providers

State of Iowa Municipal Government Body Information System Providers

State of Iowa Public School District Government Body Information System Providers

State of Iowa Public University Government Body Information System Providers

I have conducted a state-wide investigation that has provided evidence that indicates a reasonable conclusion that the personnel that currently make up this board require a rudder within this ship that can help guide it through cases that have a technical information systems aspect that may lead to dismissals due to the evidence that indicates current board members lack required technical training that will adequately protect the rights of the citizens of the State of Iowa.

My qualifications include serving as a United States Navy Instructor and a qualified Master Training Specialist. I have several years of experience facilitating technical leadership and training, which I believe can significantly improve the Iowa Public Information Board’s technical analysis of current and future complaints submitted to this board.

Hell, I am even willing to store and preserve my pajamas and get a set of dress clothes for monthly board meetings if I am selected to fill a citizen position within the Iowa Public Information Board.


Michael J. Merritt, USN Retired/Writer
Creative Writer/Musician
Information Warfare Specialist
Information Systems Manager

The Form of the Iowa Court

A licensee’s licensed actions and conduct provide evidence for the form of the licensor.

“Bricks made with testimony lacking evidence are equivalent to bricks made with straw without clay.”

“Lies and misrepresentations pay for the Iowa Legislature’s bills in Erika’s mErika.” 

“The evidence supporting Nichol’s Sin produces the question of how many innocent are locked up in the State pen. If the evidence indicates an Iowa County Attorney has zero honor, issue them a pair of pajamas and put them to work at the State’s license plate spawner.”

Cipher Hunter