Complaint – Iowa Code Section 23.7 – State of Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds – 02 SEP 2024 – The Form of the Isolation on Iowa’s Highway to Heaven

Iowa Public Information Board:

Date of alleged violation:  The evidence received by God and Country on 12 AUG 2024 shows that State of Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds was electronically served a request for public records in accordance with Iowa Code Section 22.4(2.).  As of 02 SEP 2024, available evidence indicates State of Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds has failed to provide evidence of adequately responding to this request in accordance with Iowa Code Section 22.8(4.)(d.) and the augmented definition of this section of the Iowa Code has provided by the Iowa Supreme Court ruling in 2013 case (Horsfield Materials Inc. v. City of Dyersville).

Names of government employees/officials involved:  State of Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds.

Name of government entity involved:  The State of Iowa Executive Branch as articulated in Article IV Executive Department, of the Constitution of the State of Iowa.

Alleged violation of:  Iowa Code Chapter 22

Other persons having information and their contact information:  LT Governor Adam Gregg

Description of alleged violation:   Failure to respond to a request for public records (an official signed copy of a press release (See Also: Archived Format) that provides evidence supporting an Iowa Code Section 216.7 violation against a “religion” or “creed”). In this case, the evidence indicates that Governor Kim Reynold’s deployed public statements while carrying out official duties of her elected position on 12 DEC 2023 while attacking, discriminating, and manifesting prejudice within the citizens of the State of Iowa against the adversary within her personal beliefs (i.e., “…I encourage all those of faith to join me today in praying over the Capitol and recognizing the nativity scene that will be on display – the true reason for the season.”). At the same time, Governor Kim Reynold’s 12 DEC 2023 press release seems to document rhetoric inconsistent with the 1st Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America, Section 3 of Article 1 of the Constitution of the State of Iowa, and the state and federal civil rights of alleged damaged citizens. The Iowa Press documented an act of violence and violation of our laws within the State of Iowa Capital that occurred on 14 DEC 2023 (two days after the requested press release was released by State of Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds).  The purpose of this request is due to the available evidence that indicates the Iowa Civil Rights Commission is not capable of requesting public records documenting alleged discrimination that are stored and preserved within other State of Iowa Government Bodies during their investigations executed in accordance with Iowa Code Sections 216.5(2.) and 216.5(3.) (See: Iowa Civil Rights Commission’s Dismissal of Case: 10-23-80682).

Personal Contact Information:

Michael J. Merritt
2510 S 6th St
Marshalltown, IA 50158

Note: All executive leadership positions within the Iowa Public Information Board and the Iowa Civil Rights Commission, as evidence shows, were appointed either directly or indirectly by the State of Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds (See: Iowa Code Section 23.3 and Iowa Code Section 216.3).

Iowa Civil Rights Commission

“Gov. Reynolds Appoints Kristen Stiffler as Executive Director of the Iowa Civil Rights Commission.” Governor Kim Reynolds, 17 Apr. 2023, Accessed 2 Sept. 2024. (Archived Format).

“Gov. Reynolds Announces Appointments to Iowa’s Boards & Commissions.” Governor Kim Reynolds, 3 Mar. 2023, Accessed 2 Sept. 2024 (Archived Format).

“Gov. Reynolds Announces Appointments to Iowa’s Boards and Commissions.” Governor Kim Reynolds, 2 July 2024, Accessed 2 Sept. 2024 (Archived Format).

Iowa Public Information Board

“Gov. Reynolds Announces Appointments to Iowa’s Boards & Commissions.” Governor Kim Reynolds, 29 Sept. 2020, Accessed 2 Sept. 2024 (Archived Format).

‌“Gov. Reynolds Announces Appointments to Iowa’s Boards & Commissions.” Governor Kim Reynolds, Mar. 2024, Accessed 2 Sept. 2024 (Archived Format).‌

“Press Release: Erika Eckley Appointed Executive Director of the Iowa Public Information Board.” Iowa Public Information Board, 31 May 2023, Accessed 2 Sept. 2024 (Archived Format).

The Form of Iowa’s Highway to Heaven

Pyrebird: “Can I help you, Commissioner Bayens.”
Iowa DPS Commissioner Bayens: “Yeah, you can help me. You can help me by telling me what you’re after.”
Pyrebird: “I don’t know what you mean.”
Iowa DPS Commissioner Bayens: “Oh, come on, I know the difference between a records requester and a vexatious criminal. Now do you want to talk to me or do you want to talk to my officers at the DCI.”
Pyrebird: “Go on.”
Iowa DPS Commissioner Bayens: “I have been to every comedy club in the State of Iowa, none of them ever heard of you. Now, can you explain that to me.”
Pyrebird: “I would rather not.”
Iowa DPS Commissioner Bayens: “And what about this place? You don’t have any clothes, you don’t have any food, a bed, or a comb. You don’t even have any friends or family. You don’t live here this place is a front. I want some answers Mr. Merritt.”
Pyrebird: “All I can tell you is that I am just doing my job. I’m not here to hurt anybody. Please believe me.”
Iowa DPS Commissioner Bayens: “You sound like all the rest of them, “I’m innocent, Please believe me.” Now I’m going to tell you one more time. Either you talk to me, or I call my officers at the DCI.”
Pyrebird: “If you do that I’ll have to leave before my job is done.”
Iowa DPS Commissioner Bayens: “Then talk.”
Pyrebird: “If I tell you, you are not going to believe me anyway.”
Iowa DPS Commissioner Bayens: “Try me.”
Pyrebird: “Alright…, In my job I am sent to various places by my Boss to try and help people.”
Iowa DPS Commissioner Bayens: “Go On.”
Pyrebird: “I would like to leave it at that.”
Iowa DPS Commissioner Bayens: “Yeah, I bet you would. Come on, Come on what is the setup here? Whose your boss?”
Pyrebird: “Jesus Christ.”
Iowa DPS Commissioner Bayens: “What?”
Pyrebird: “My Boss, is Jesus Christ.”
Iowa DPS Commissioner Bayens: “Oh, Boy, oh boy, the Navy really sent us a winner. You are nothing but a vexatious kook.”
Pyrebird: “I told you that you would not believe me.”
Iowa DPS Commissioner Bayens: “And, you were right. Listen I don’t know if you are harmless disabled kook or a dangerous disabled kook, but I tell you one thing I am restricting your rights and liberties until my guys at the DCI have a chance to check you out.”
Pyrebird: “I’ll let you leave in a minute.”
Iowa DPS Commissioner Bayens: “What do you mean you’ll let me leave?”
Pyrebird: “Just what I said. You wanted the truth; I am giving it to you. I’m an Angel. My life ended on a VA Hospital bed in 2019. This is the job that he has given me. I’m not one of the funniest, but I try, and I make mistakes. My jokes are usually mistakes, but he lets me tell them.”

Iowa DPS Commissioner Bayens: He?
Pyrebird: “Yeah, Jesus Christ. I guess he figures the only way I will be able to work in Heaven is if I get them all out of my system while I am here. I am kind of new at this.”
Iowa DPS Commissioner Bayens: “Boy, oh boy, oh boy. Listen, friend, you need help.”
Pyrebird: “Yes, I do. I need your help. What good will it do for you to have the DCI investigate me? I will be gone before they get here, and I will not have finished my job. You are going to hurt a lot of innocent people for no reason, and all because you don’t trust humanity. There are a lot of good people in this world, Stephan. I’m just here to try and help them. Well, I have said my peace, you can go now. If you change your mind about contacting your officers at the DCI you are welcome to have breakfast here. Your executive office staff have indicated you like Casey’s Donuts and a cup of coffee; you will find some in the kitchen. I need to keep working on these declarations for my court case against the City of Newton, IA. Take care, Sir.”

Iowa DPS Commissioner Bayens: “I haven’t called my officers at the DCI…, yet.”
Pyrebird: “I know.”

What has kept me moving forward on Iowa’s Highway to Heaven as my life has continued to manifest increasing levels of isolation while I have navigated a world distorted by the words of those who speak without evidence for their gain was the kindness of Jasper County, IA Sheriff John Halferty, City of Newton, IA City Council Member Ervin, City of Newton, IA City Council Member Hallam, Grinnell, IA Police Officer Moore, Grinnell, IA Police Officer Carrillo, and others who took the time to pull over on the side of the road and help someone lost in darkness that society had discarded.

What keeps me moving forward is my belief that there are more people who are committed to manifesting the State of Iowa into a reflection of the philosophical principles and conscience documented in our founding documents.

Christianity is not manifested by coffee and donuts consumed on Sundays within socially desirable social circles. Christianity is manifested by those who manifest the words of Jesus Christ within the evidence of their daily Acts, every day of their lives, even when they are not socially desired or celebrated, for it is written.

“The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’

Matthew 25:40

Grinnell, IA PD Officer Moore: “Need a lift?”
Pyrebird: “What are you guys doing out of Grinnell, IA?”
Grinnell, IA PD Officer Carrillo: “Well if we are going to keep up with the Cipher Hunter we can’t just hang out in one jurisdiction.”
Pyrebird: “You guys didn’t waste any time.”
Grinnell, IA PD Officer Moore: “We couldn’t if we are going to go with you.”
Pyrebird: “Wait a minute, I can’t do that.”
Grinnell, IA PD Officer Carrillo: “Come on, you said yourself last night it’s a lonely job.”
Pyrebird: “Look I know what I said but I…”
Grinnell, IA PD Officer Moore: “Look Merritt, we already know everything about you. You like Star Trek, you talk too much, and you tell shitty jokes. We have brought law enforcement duct tape, and we have a good car stereo. We want to help you help people.”
Pyrebird: You guys already do that without me.
Grinnell, IA PD Officer Carrillo: “Please, give us a chance. If it doesn’t work out, you can always send us packing.”
Pyrebird: “It’s not my decision to make. I’m sorry.”
Grinnell, IA PD Officer Moore: “So you’re telling us no then.”
Pyrebird: “Goodbye friends.”

Theological Disclaimer: With respect to Revelations 22:1822:19, this correspondence does not report or testify to the availability of any additional words of Jesus Christ that are not documented within the New Testament of the Holy Bible. The dialog within The Form of Iowa’s Highway to Heaven represents a personal belief and dialog within the television show “Highway to Heaven” that manifested immense inspiration within the author of this correspondence as a child. At the same time, its aspects have been modified to reflect a creative interpretation of the current evidence in this case. The author of this correspondence believes that if our laws allow Former President Donald Trump to proclaim the 2020 election was stolen from him with zero supporting evidence, this provides enough latitude for the author of this correspondence to proclaim himself as an Angel of this Earth that has not yet transitioned to Heaven with zero supporting evidence.


Michael J. Merritt, USN Retired/Writer
Creative Writer/Musician
Information Warfare Specialist
Information Systems Manager

The Form of the Iowa Court

A licensee’s licensed actions and conduct provide evidence for the form of the licensor.

“Bricks made with testimony lacking evidence are equivalent to bricks made with straw without clay.”

“Lies and misrepresentations pay for the Iowa Legislature’s bills in Erika’s mErika.” 

“The evidence supporting Nichol’s Sin produces the question of how many innocent are locked up in the State pen. If the evidence indicates an Iowa County Attorney has zero honor, issue them a pair of pajamas and put them to work at the State’s license plate spawner.”

Cipher Hunter