Jasper County, IA Sheriff John HalfertyJasper County Sheriff’s Office2300 Law Center DriveNewton, IA 50208 A light that shines brightly in the darkness that manifests itself in the shadows behind the limestone of Iowa’s halls of justice. I have witnessed evidence that Jasper County, IA, is consumed in darkness. But, at the same time, I trust […]

When a jurisdiction produces evidence of a form of tribalism that indicates if you did not graduate from its schools or grow up in its cornfields, your voice and your life do not matter. It produces very concerning questions regarding how citizens who do not look like those who lead that jurisdiction are treated. When […]

It is unreasonable and illogical for the malicious and the unethical to speculate regarding whether the innocent that evidence indicates they have victimized have a mindset that justifies violence. At the same time, the captive who have faith in the truth and the light patiently, peacefully, and chivalrously wait, knowing eternal justice from our Lord […]

Deceit is a device that produces an intelligently designed immediate impact on the listener. At the same time, producing a reality that will ultimately lead to the destruction of the speaker. Tyranny is a paradigm the honorable must maintain a tight flight plan through in order to reach the core and location of evidence that […]