The Form of the False Allegation Bandits

The City of Newton, IA Chief of Police Burdess:

Good morning, Sir. I am preparing court documents, declarations, and evidence that I intend to file with the Iowa Court before 08 AUG 2024 against the City of Newton, IA.  At the same time, I build a case of state-wide evidence supporting the negligence and misconduct of various State of Iowa agencies.  I intend to submit subpoenas requesting the presence of specific City of Newton, IA, elected or appointed leaders, employees, and documents stored and preserved by the City of Newton, IA, that I believe will support the evidence already lawfully in my possession.  I want to confirm that the address below is the appropriate address for a process server to serve paperwork to the City of Newton, IA, and the following individuals:

City of Newton
101 W 4th St S
Newton, IA 50208


The City of Newton, IA, Mayor Evelyn George
The City of Newton, IA City Council Member Melissa Dalton
The City of Newton, IA, Administrator Matthew Muckler
The City of Newton, IA, Chief of Police Robert Burdess
The City of Newton, IA, Clerk Katrina Davis
The City of Newton, IA, Police Officer Watson

Memorandum – City of Newton, IA Attorney Matthew Brick – 18 NOV 2022

Separate correspondence is being prepared for Brick Gentry, P.C. of Des Moines, IA, for similar guidance to request the presence in the Iowa Court of the following individuals:

Brick Gentry, P.C. Shareholder James Brick
Brick Gentry, P.C. Shareholder Matthew Brick


The City of Newton, IA, City Council Member Randy Ervin
The City of Newton, IA, City Council Member Mark Hallam

Note: The United States Department of Veterans Affairs elevated the author of this correspondence service-connected mental health disabilities from 50% (2017) to 70% (2023), leading to an overall disability rating of 90% (2023). During the same year, the United States Department of Veterans Affairs upgraded the author’s disability rating related to service-connected mental health disabilities (and as a result of evidence supporting government body abuse from 2019 – 2023); the author was navigating evidence supporting the unethical, abusive, and possibly unlawful conduct of the leadership of the City of Marshalltown, IA, the City of Newton, IA, Jasper County, IA, and the Iowa Public Information Board.

Former Elected Leaders

I am requesting guidance on how the City of Newton, IA, would prefer me to submit subpoenas to the following individuals:

Former City of Newton, IA Mayor Michael Hansen (Variable)
Former City of Newton, IA City Council Member Craig Trotter (Control)
Former City of Newton, IA City Council Member Vicki Wade (Control)

In this case, personnel within the Variables column represent individuals who have produced evidence or communicated testimony that conflicts with other internally created or externally available evidence, calling into question this testimony or evidence produced by the City of Newton, IA (or evidence supporting inaction when properly presented evidence of misconduct under their leadership).  As the record shows, I do not have any personal relationships or connections with any elected or appointed leaders within the City of Newton, IA.  At the same time, personnel listed as Controls I have witnessed or have evidence in my possession suggesting that these individuals are people of good character and conscience, which I believe manifests a source of Truth.

I will be requesting the Iowa Court to require the City of Newton, IA, to reimburse court costs and provide $1 for every month that evidence shows I was denied access to public accommodations during Iowa Public Information Board case 22FC:0071 (Michael J. Merritt/City of Newton, IA) and $1 for every month the evidence shows the City of Newton, IA failed to take ownership, responsibility, or correct what evidence shows is the City of Newton, IA’s use of a false allegation of criminal conduct to produce an unlawful strategic advantage (and unlawful burden on the victim that evidence shows was targeted by the City of Newton, IA with this alleged misconduct) that evidence shows was proliferated throughout the internal offices of the City of Newton, IA as justification for halting a citizen’s access to public accommodations without due process (Iowa Code Chapter 659, Sections 6, 9, and 10 of Article 1 of the Constitution of the State of Iowa, and the 5th and 14th Amendments to the Constitution of the United States of America). Any financial amounts beyond court costs awarded by the Iowa Court will be donated to the Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society.

Section 7 of Article 1 of the Constitution of the State of Iowa articulates the following:

“Liberty of speech and press. Every person may speak, write, and publish his sentiments on all subjects, being responsible for the abuse of that right. No law shall be passed to restrain or abridge the liberty of speech, or of the press. In all prosecutions or indictments for libel, the truth may be given in evidence to the jury, and if it appears* to the jury that the matter charged as libellous was true, and was published with good motives and for justifiable ends, the party shall be acquitted. *In the original text, the word is “appear”, see original Constitution, Art. I, §7″

Iowa Supreme Court Opinions – Case No. 20-0236

In a similar matter that was heard before the Iowa Supreme Court, the Iowa Court determined in Case No. 20-0236 – Ryan Koster v. Harvest Bible Chapel–Quad Cities d/b/a Harvest Bible Chapel–Davenport and Garth Glenn that false allegations of criminal conduct distributed within a religious organization were privileged religious communications.  I do not believe a public body responsible for administering the people’s work and enforcing the laws enacted by the Iowa Legislature is provided that same privilege when speech documented on public records leads to the abridging or halting of citizens’ rights, liberties, or access to public accommodations.  At the same time, an Iowa government body (in this case, the City of Newton, IA) produces evidence of failing to uphold our founding documents’ which articulate that no citizen shall be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of law in accordance with Sections 6, 9, and 10 of Article 1 of the Constitution of the State of Iowa, and the 5th and 14th Amendments to the Constitution of the United States of America.

“Under these circumstances, we find as a matter of law that Demarest retained a common interest in the subject matter of Pastor Glenn’s communications. The qualified privilege for communications by religious organizations is essentially a variant of the common-interest privilege. See Kliebenstein, 663 N.W.2d at 406–07. Therefore, Demarest’s receipt of the May 3 email did not destroy the qualified privilege. See, e.g., Theisen v. Covenant Med. Ctr., Inc., 636 N.W.2d 74, 84 (Iowa 2001) (“The privilege may be lost, however, if the speaker acts with actual malice, or exceeds or abuses the privilege through, for example, excessive publication or through publication to persons other than those who have a legitimate interest in the subject of the statements.”). Again, no one other than Small Group members and HBC staff received Glenn’s emails. In sum, Pastor Glenn’s emails, whatever their flaws, were sent by a religious leader exclusively to staff and members of that religious community, plus one person who retained genuine ties to that religious community. The emails were in furtherance of their common purposes. We conclude that a qualified privilege applies. Given the lack of evidence of malice, summary judgment on the defamation claim was warranted.”

Appellant Final Brief (338.21 KB)
Appellee Final Brief (479.97 KB)
Appellant Final Reply Brief (270.68 KB)
PDF of the Opinion (164.64 KB)

“Case No. 20-0236 | Supreme Court Opinions | Iowa Judicial Branch.”, 2024,,and%20committed%20defamation%20by%20sending%20emails%20divulging. Accessed 23 July 2024.

The Form of the Priest, the Judge, and the Esquire

Persecution and Murder from Antiquity through the Modern Era

In the centuries following the fall of the Roman Empire, the Christian church maintained destructive control over the people and politics during the Dark Ages (Early Medieval Period), Middle Ages, Rennaissance Period, and the early Modern Era (See: Salem Witch Trials) through questionable interpretations of the words of Jesus Christ that led to the murders of many innocent people and acts that evidence indicates were not a reflection of the Word of God. The historical records show that whether it was polytheists lighting the streets of Rome with monotheists (early Christians/Roman Candles) or, in more recent centuries, monotheists (Christians) burning at the stake alleged polytheists as with the City of Newton, IA, in this case, humanity has provided century after century of evidence of destroying the lives and voices of the innocent that oppose or threaten the ideologies or power of those who currently hold it.

The Form of the Iowa Conference of United Hypocrisy

When analyzing the evidence supporting the collusion between the Iowa Conference of the United Methodist Church, Hope United Methodist Church of Marshalltown, IA, and the Marshalltown, IA Police Department (Known – as supported by public records released by the City of Marshalltown, IA Police Department in accordance with Iowa Code Chapter 22 showing the Iowa Conference of the United Methodist Church’s attempt to criminalize the service-connected mental health disabilities of a retired Veteran that filed a complaint with Hope United Methodist Church in October 2018 regarding alleged malicious conduct supported by evidence that manifested sexual trauma within the victim)) from December 2018 to January 2020, the evidence shows that possibly the only thing organized monotheists (organized Christianity) have accomplished in the last few centuries is upgrading the method they utilize to destroy the lives of the innocent, from burning them at the stake to weaponizing law enforcement against the innocent with what evidence shows are false statements supported by zero evidence deployed to criminalize the innocent (See: Exodus 20:13, Exodus 20:16, Iowa Code Section 708.7(1.)(a.)(4.), Iowa Code Section 718.6). At the same time, the Iowa Conference of the United Methodist Church and those that manifest religion historically have produced evidence of spreading falsehoods about the innocent they seek to silence or discredit who speak out, with testimony supported by evidence supporting the malicious acts manifested by this world’s religious leaders.

Photo Credit: Wikipedia Contributors. “File:Execution of Reverend George Burroughs.jpg.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 2024, Accessed 24 July 2024.
The Form of Thirty Silver Coins

Religion is nothing more than a device manifested by this world that is deployed to control and manipulate people through their spirituality during evil’s pursuit of its desired sum.

The Evolution of Spirituality Through The Revelation and Distribution of Truth

The Guttenberg printing press was in operation around 1450, and by 1455, Johannes Gutenberg had completed the 42-line Gutenberg Bible. Approximately 180 copies of this 42-line Bible were printed and distributed.

The Protestant Reformation began on 31 October 1517 (approximately 62 years after the invention of the printing press and 1,517 years after the resurrection of Jesus Christ) with the publication of the Ninety-five Theses, authored by Martin Luther. On 03 January 1521, Luther was excommunicated by Pope Leo X. On 25 May 1521, at the Diet of Worms, Luther was condemned by the Holy Roman Empire. At the same time, the Holy Roman Empire officially banned citizens from defending or propagating Luther’s ideas. Luther was later declared an outlaw but survived under the protection of Elector Frederick the Wise. Note: The Holy Roman Empire, located in central and western Europe, formed in the Middle Ages and remained for nearly 1000 years until its dissolution in 1806 during the Napoleonic Wars. For other revolutionary and evolutionary periods in Roman history, See References (4.) – (8.).

As humanity evolves and time moves forward, historical records show that those who seek to retain power will deploy an ever-changing array of devices to control the thoughts and actions of others to maintain control over the populace. It could be theorized that the modern democratic judicial system manifests a form of a neo-biblical scripture that, until recently, has only been in the hands of a select few that historically have maintained control over the populous.

It could be speculated that the proliferation of the World Wide Web, which has provided higher availability and equal access to our laws, may manifest a modern-day form of salty scrapper who has the honor, courage, and commitment to lawfully challenge legacy and obsolete implementations of tyranny that were allowed to manifest during the ages of darkness when the Iowa Code lay hidden on the dark shelves of lofty places.


(1.) Wikipedia Contributors. “Johannes Gutenberg.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 17 July 2024, Accessed 23 July 2024.

(2.) Wikipedia Contributors. “Reformation.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 18 July 2024, Accessed 23 July 2024.

(3.) Wikipedia Contributors. “Holy Roman Empire.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 4 July 2024, Accessed 23 July 2024.

(4.) Wikipedia Contributors. “Western Roman Empire.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 6 July 2024, Accessed 23 July 2024.

(5.) Wikipedia Contributors. “Byzantine Empire.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 23 July 2024, Accessed 23 July 2024.

(6.) Wikipedia Contributors. “Roman Kingdom.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 19 July 2024, Accessed 23 July 2024.

(7.) Wikipedia Contributors. “Roman Republic.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 23 July 2024, Accessed 23 July 2024.

‌(8.)‌ Wikipedia Contributors. “Roman Empire.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 23 July 2024, Accessed 23 July 2024.

‌‌‌‌Academic Disclaimer: Traditionally, Wikipedia has not been viewed as a reliable source for academic writing. At the same time, given the evidence supporting the Iowa Legislature’s predilection toward banning books, the author of this correspondence believes that it would be unreasonable to believe or expect that the Iowa Legislature would pay to access them.

The Form of Rinzler and the City of Grinnell, IA Police Department’s Resurrection of TRON

Some seek profit, vengeance, or retribution from their pain; I fight to defend the people in the name of Jesus Christ.

The Form of Saladin, the Follower of Jesus Christ, and Those Who Manifest Religion

How we treat those we believe are our enemies does not reflect the contents of their souls. It is a reflection of our own. If my soul is truly lost, why are those who, evidence indicates, have spoken falsely against me are no longer able to be found?

In this life, we will encounter those who only serve this world’s crown, but peace is only found when we serve the Truth and the Light that eternally surrounds.

The Form of the False Allegation Bandits

The City of Newton, IA Chief of Police Burdess: “Merritt!”
Cipher Hunter: “Yes Sir.”
The City of Newton, IA Chief of Police Burdess: “Nothing would thrill me more greatly than to arrest you and throw the key away. Knocking off a disabled Veteran isn’t going to mean all that much to me. Understand?”
Cipher Hunter: “Yes Sir.”
The City of Newton, IA Chief of Police Burdess: “But, since we’re in a hurry, I’ll make a deal with you. You throw down your public records laptop, and we will stop trying to arrest you and falsely accusing you of criminal conduct. You’ll never hear from us again. Ok?”
Cipher Hunter: “You promise?”
The City of Newton, IA Chief of Police Burdess: “I cross my heart and hope to die.”
Cipher Hunter: “Ok.”
The City of Newton, IA Chief of Police Burdess/The City of Marshalltown, IA Chief of Police Tupper: “Ha Ha Ha Ha.”
The City of Newton, IA Chief of Police Burdess: “Ok Merritt, give it to me.”
The City of Marshalltown, IA Chief of Police Tupper: “AAAHHHhhhhh”
Cipher Hunter: “Direct hit!”
The City of Newton, IA Chief of Police Burdess: “How many fingers am I holding up Tupper?”
The City of Marshalltown, IA Chief of Police Tupper: “uhhhee EeeIiighht?”
The City of Newton, IA Chief of Police Burdess: “Ok, Merritt, you want to throw Captain Morgan Balloons? Go ahead throw another one.”
The City of Marshalltown, IA Chief of Police Tupper: “eeh ehh egge egge. AHHHHHHHHOyyyy”
The City of Newton, IA Chief of Police Burdess: “If you can’t do any better than that, Merritt. You’re going to lose.”
The City of Marshalltown, IA Chief of Police Tupper: “Robbb, Nnnnnoooo, nnnneeh……AHHHHHHH OHHHHhhhhhh ohhhhnoooo”
The City of Newton, IA Chief of Police Burdess: “You got any more? Come on, Tupper, get up. This poor excuse for a Sailor is out of booze. He hasn’t got any more. He’s out.”
The City of Marshalltown, IA Chief of Police Tupper: “Hubaaa”
The City of Newton, IA Chief of Police Burdess: “What?”
The City of Marshalltown, IA Chief of Police Tupper: “EFFFAA GIBBA GIBBAA”
The City of Newton, IA Chief of Police Burdess: “What?”
The City of Marshalltown, IA Chief of Police Tupper: “Effaa Gibba Boba Guba Gibba”
The City of Newton, IA Chief of Police Burdess: “What?”
The City of Marshalltown, IA Chief of Police Tupper: “EFFAA GIBBA BOBA GUBA AHH OHHHHHHhhhhh.”
The City of Newton, IA Chief of Police Burdess: “That did it. Nobody throws Captain Morgan Balloons at me and gets away with it. Come on, Tupper, get up! You go this way I’m going around to the back.”
The City of Marshalltown, IA Chief of Police Tupper: “Robb…? Rooooooobbbbbbbb?”


Cipher Hunter

Legal Name:  Michael J. Merritt, as documented on birth records stored and preserved in Marshall County, IA