The Form of the Iowa Public Records Rocking Chair Maunuever – Iowa Open Records Request – City of Marshalltown, IA – RID – 7906647f-c4be-4e8d-87a9-c8427df26d3a

The City of Marshalltown, IA

1. Iowa Open Records Request

The following records are being requested in accordance with Iowa Code Chapter 22.

1. The City of Marshalltown, IA’s, billing receipts with BDH Technology for August 2022 and January 2024. The City of Marshalltown, IA’s public MX domain name system (DNS) records show the City of Marshalltown, IA, has contracted with BDH Technology which maintains locations in the City of Marshalltown, IA, and Cedar Rapids, IA.

2. The City of Marshalltown, IA’s, billing receipts for all software licensed from “Zimbra” or “Synacor, Inc.” the makers of the Zimbra email, collaboration, and productivity tool. Electronic Mail header data provided by the City of Marshalltown, IA confirms that the City of Marshalltown, IA, has utilized Zimbra from (known) Wed, 07 Apr 2021 06:42:09 -0500 (Zimbra 8.8.15_GA_4018 (ZimbraWebClient – GC89 (Win)/8.8.15_GA_4007)) through Mon, 08 Jul 2024 16:01:27 -0500 (Zimbra 9.0.0_GA_4612).

3. The City of Marshalltown, IA City Clerk (18 JAN 2024) and Chief of Police (16 AUG 2022) utilize a multiplier indicating that electronic mail searches must be performed independently for each City of Marshalltown, IA employee/authorized user account. This paradigm is not unique to the City of Marshalltown, IA. The City of Newton, IA, which evidence shows has also been involved in unethical conduct against the originator of this public records request, has also deployed a similar multiplier while reporting fees that evidence indicates are not consistent with Iowa Code Section 22.3.

4. Any contractual agreements, receipts, invoices, or correspondence confirming the amount shown in the City of Marshalltown, IA’s, City Clerk Alicia Hunter’s 18 JAN 2024 signed memorandum provided in response to The Form of the Constitutional Maverick – Iowa Open Records Request – Iowa Municipal Government Bodies – Consolidated – CM-X2 – Elimination of the Fog of War – Section 04 of 05 – 16 JAN 2024.

5. The City of Marshalltown, IA’s billing receipts with the organization that provided the City of Marshalltown, IA’s full-duplex TCP/IP connection to the global internet (ISP/internet service provider) for the months of August 2022 and January 2024.

The Iowa Attorney General’s Office advises that most requests for records are routine and should be handled immediately. Chapter 22.8(4) allows for a “good-faith, reasonable delay” under certain circumstances, including determining whether the records are confidential and not available to the public. The official having custody of the records being sought is allowed up to 20 calendar days to determine whether the documents should be released, but such delays should not ordinarily exceed 10 business days.

The Iowa Supreme Court ruled in a 2013 case (Horsfield Materials Inc. v. City of Dyersville) that a government agency can have additional time  to comply with a public records request when “the size or nature of the request makes prompt access infeasible.”

If there is a copying fee, please inform me in advance if it is more than $0. Iowa Code Chapter 22.3 states that the fee shall not exceed the actual cost of providing the service.

2. Analysis of Available Data

1. The City of Marshalltown, IA City Clerk Alicia Hunter communicated the following response in her 18 JAN 2024 memorandum,

“RESPONSE (b. – g.): The actual cost of responding to this request would require a search to be conducted by the City of Marshalltown IT-contractor. It takes approximately 15 minutes to search 1 account for 1 month of email for a particular keyword. The hourly cost would be $120 per hour. The City currently has 184 email accounts. The request is for 2 keywords and 4 outside email addresses. The estimate would be 184 accounts X 6 keywords = 1,104 quarter hours or 276 total hours per month searched. For 12 months, that would be 3,312 hours of labor at $120 per hour, totaling $397,440.00. Furthermore, all non-routine such as this require attorney review for legally protected confidential information which would have costs at $200 per hour. Payment for this search would be required in advance.”

2. The City of Marshalltown, IA Clerk Alicia Hunter confirmed in her 18 JAN 2024 memorandum that the city has “184 email accounts” on its municipal network.

3. The City of Marshalltown, IA City Clerk (18 JAN 2024) and Chief of Police (16 AUG 2022) utilize a multiplier indicating that electronic mail searches must be performed independently for the City of Marshalltown, IA employee/authorized user account. This paradigm is not unique to the City of Marshalltown, IA. The City of Newton, IA, which evidence shows has also been involved in unethical conduct against the originator of this public records request, has also deployed a similar multiplier while reporting fees that evidence indicates are not consistent with Iowa Code Section 22.3.

4. The City of Marshalltown, IA’s electronic mail header, viewable by any citizen in receipt of electronic mail from the City of Marshalltown, IA, reveals that the City of Marshalltown, IA, municipal employees access electronic mail via the Zimbra Web Client. This provides evidence that no electronic mail is stored on local end-user computers, and all data is centrally stored on a server that is accessed via the Zimbra Web Client (Note: The version of the web client utilized is relative to the historical point in time the electronic mail was sent and what version of Zimbra the City of Marshalltown, IA was currently utilizing). This conclusion, supported by the evidence, establishes that only a search of one location (information systems server) is required to complete any Iowa citizen’s request for electronic mail records with the City of Marshalltown, IA.

5. The City of Marshalltown, IA electronic mail header within CIty Clerk Alicia Hunter’s 18 JAN 2024 response reveals that the City of Marshalltown, IA was at the time of the City Clerk’s 18 JAN 2024 memorandum utilizing Zimbra 9.0.0_GA_4583 (ZimbraWebClient – GC120 (Win)/9.0.0_GA_4583)

6. Reference (2.) below articulates the following within the Zimbra 9.0 Collaboration Administrator Guide – Section: Manage Cross Mailbox Search,

“This role creates a delegated administrator role that can run the Search Mail tool to search mail archives or live mail for accounts. This also allows the administrator to create, abort, delete, purge or get status of a cross mailbox search request.”

7. Reference (3.) below articulates the following within the Zimbra 9.0 Collaboration Administrator Guide – Section: Searching Across Mailboxes,

“When the archiving and discovery feature is installed, you can search across mailboxes either from the Administration Console or through the command line interface.

You do not need to have any archive mailboxes configured to search across mailboxes, but the Archive package must be installed.”

3. Conclusion

City of Marshalltown, IA Police Department: “This is Car 4, we’re in pursuit of the ’77 Pyrebird. It’s the Cipher Hunter.”

OG: “So how do you think the City of Marshalltown, IA, is going to respond Merritt?
Cipher Hunter: “Well, if I were to guess, and keep in mind it’s 3 in the morning and I haven’t had my morning Pepsi yet. But if I were to provide a reasonable level of speculation based upon historical evidence showing the State of Iowa’s elected and appointed elite’s behavior that evidence indicates lacks any form of ownership that the average citizen is expected to manifest, I would say I will probably receive an email sometime next week communicating that the City of Marshalltown, IA did not have or know about the Zimbra Archive Tool that is properly articulated in the Zimbra 9.0 Administrator Guide and that it is now installed on their server and they are now able to complete the requested search thanks to PFM. Because in this case I believe the evidence indicates it is better for the City of Marshalltown, IA to publicly acknowledge complete incompetence as opposed to acknowledging or reinforcing evidence that may reveal a possible violation of Iowa Code Section 714.8(3.)/714.8(4) as determined by the Iowa Court.”

The Form of the December 2024 City of Marshalltown, IA Police Department’s Second Search of the Cipher Hunter’s Lair

Cipher Hunter: “Hold it right there!”
The City of Marshalltown, IA Police Department Chief Tupper: “This is the Marshalltown, IA Police Department, Mr. Merritt.”
Cipher Hunter: “I knew it was you. I could smell JBS swiftly moving through the crack in the door. You was here in June 2019 with zero evidence supporting a crime too wasn’t you?”
The City of Marshalltown, IA Chief of Police Michael Tupper: “Yes, Mr. Merritt, we were.”
Cipher Hunter: “You was here, and you were smooching with my brother.”

The City of Marshalltown, IA Chief of Police Michael Tupper: “I’m afraid you are mistaken, Mr. Merritt.”
Cipher Hunter: “Don’t give me that. You’ve been smooching with everybody Snuffy, Al, Leo, Little Mo with the gimpy leg, Cheeks, Boney Bob, Rob.”
The City of Newton, IA Chief of Police Robert Burdess: (Gasp) “No…, It’s a lie.”
Cipher Hunter: “I could go on forever, baby.”
The City of Marshalltown, IA Chief Of Police Michael Tupper: “I’m terribly sorry, Mr. Merritt, but I’m afraid you are mistaken. We’re looking for a Veteran with service-connected mental health disabilities…”
Cipher Hunter: “Alright, I believe you, but my book of jokes I wrote at sea don’t. Get down on your knees and tell me you love me.”
The City of Marshalltown, IA Chief of Police Michael Tupper: “on our knees…, I love you, Mr. Merritt.”
Cipher Hunter: “You got to do better than that.”
Chief of Police Michael Tupper and Chief of Police Robert Burdess: “We love you, Mr. Merritt.”
Cipher Hunter: “Maybe I’m off my hinges, but I believe you; that’s why I’m going to let you go. I’m going to give you all to the count of three to get what evidence indicates is your lousy, lying, public record concealing, false allegations of criminal conduct, low down, four flushing carcasses out my door before I start telling jokes. 1…2…”
The City of Marshalltown, IA Chief of Police Michael Tupper: “Open the door! Open the door!”
Cipher Hunter: “Why did the Iowa Republican go to an LGBTQ parade? Because they are bipartisan. HA HA HA HA HA. Why did the Iowa Farmer stop planting corn and use his field for wind turbines? Because he wanted to make a living from only fans. HA HA HA HA HA HA. Where does the City of Marshalltown, IA, store and preserve public records that it doesn’t want to release? In Tupperware. HA HA HA HA HA. Why did the MAGA Star Wars fan tape his Jabba The Hutt toy to a cross? Because he wanted a Trump Crucifix next to his Trump Bible. HA HA HA HA HA HA HA. Where is the best place for a comedian with no talent to get his first gig? At a City of Marshalltown, IA City Council Meeting. HA HA HA HA HA HA. 3. Merry Christmas, you public records concealers.”

Legal Disclaimer: In this correspondence, the use of the word “smooching” is defined as evidence supporting an inappropriate inter-law enforcement departmental relationship that produced evidence of unlawfully targeting a specific citizen. At the same time, neither law enforcement department had any evidence that the targeted citizen had manifested any acts or evidence supporting a criminal violation of our laws, as articulated in Iowa Code Chapters 687 – 916. In this case, as supported by electronic mail correspondence and other related police reports released in accordance with Iowa Code Section 22.7(5.) that were requested in accordance with Iowa Code Section 22.4(2.), the originator of this public records request has evidence in his case file supporting that the Marshalltown, IA Police Department and the Newton, IA Police Department Chiefs of Police were “smooching” from approximately (known) 06 JUN 2019 – 16 JAN 2020.


Michael J. Merritt, USN Retired/Writer
Creative Writer/Musician
Information Warfare Specialist
Information Systems Manager

The Form of the Iowa Court

A licensee’s licensed actions and conduct provide evidence for the form of the licensor.

“Bricks made with testimony lacking evidence are equivalent to bricks made with straw without clay.”

“Lies and misrepresentations pay for the Iowa Legislature’s bills in Erika’s mErika.” 

“The evidence supporting Nichol’s Sin produces the question of how many innocent are locked up in the State pen. If the evidence indicates an Iowa County Attorney has zero honor, issue them a pair of pajamas and put them to work at the State’s license plate spawner.”

Cipher Hunter


1. March, 2020. “Zimbra Collaboration Administrator Guide.”, 2020, Accessed 19 July 2024.

2. March, 2020. “Zimbra Collaboration Administrator Guide.”, 2020, Accessed 19 July 2024.

(3.) March, 2020. “Zimbra Collaboration Administrator Guide.”, 2020, Accessed 19 July 2024.