Iowa Public Information Board Complaint – The Form of the City of Newton, IA

Iowa Public Information Board:

I want to take this opportunity to respectfully submit that I am having extensive difficulties acquiring public records that have been requested in accordance with Iowa Code Chapter 22 from the City of Newton, IA, related to the evidence showing the City of Newton, IA Attorney Matthew Brick’s use of an abridged form of a sexually explicit word (“effing” or more commonly utilized word “fucking”) during a public meeting. This public records request was submitted in accordance with Iowa Code Section 22.4(2.) on 01 DEC 2023.

The purpose of this public records request is based upon my concern regarding the evidence that shows contracted and non-contracted employees or members of the City of Newton, IA’s leadership’s use of abridged or complete versions of the word “fuck” or “fucking” during a public meeting or while traveling in a tax-funded City of Newton, IA vehicle during official hours. At the same time, the evidence also shows that a citizen who utilized a non-sexually explicit “f” word (fascist) during a public meeting was arrested under the direction of the former City of Newton, IA Mayor Michael Hansen by City of Newton, IA Chief of Police Robert Burdess.

When considering the evidence showing the City of Newton, IA, leadership’s endorsement and approval of sexually explicit language by its contracted or non-contracted personnel during public meetings and official hours by the city’s alleged police department, it becomes clear that the City of Newton, IA’s arrest of Mr. Noah Petersen was completely retaliatory based upon the evidence that his public statements (opinion) protected by the 1st Amendment to our nation’s constitution and Section 7 of Article 1 of the Constitution of the State Iowa were critical of the former Mayor of the City of Newton, IA and the current Chief of Police who directed and performed the arrest.

The 14th Amendment to our nation’s constitution and Section 6 of Article 1 of the Constitution of the State of Iowa articulate that all citizens are guaranteed equal protection in accordance with our laws. The very foundation of our nation’s and state’s constitutions calls into question the City of Newton, IA’s arrest of a citizen who utilized a non-sexually explicit “f” word during a public meeting when the evidence shows the leadership of the City of Newton, IA have endorsed and approved the use of abridged and complete forms of sexually explicit language during its public meetings and by its employees during official hours.  

When considering the City of Newton, IA’s use of sexually explicit language during public meetings and by its employees during official hours with regards to the evidence showing the City of Newton, IA’s historical concealment of public records, misrepresentation of the Iowa Code, false allegations of criminal conduct against this Iowa public records requester during IPIB case 22FC:0071, false arrests, speech-related arrests, and evidence showing other acts of abuse and alleged criminal conduct evidence suggests the City of Newton, IA’s leadership are involved in the solution the City of Newton IA’s leadership need to arrive at is clear: Suppose the leadership of the City of Newton, IA desires not to have citizens communicating critical opinions regarding what evidence shows is the form of its alleged leadership, or if the City of Newton, IA leadership desires to halt what evidence shows is it’s continued attempts to conceal or withhold public records. In that case, the alleged leadership of the City of Newton, IA, need to stop the production of evidence showing that they are “effing” up.

Ultimately, the evidence shows that each political candidate during the City of Newton, IA 2022 election failed to achieve a mere 10% of the population’s vote (See: Reference (7.). Additional research is required to isolate the exact numbers/percentages of eligible citizens of voting age who live within the City of Newton, IA. At the same time, given the evidence that the City of Newton, IA’s population is approximately 15,000, the evidence shows that each candidate failed to secure even 1000 votes during the 2022 election. The Newton Daily News documents in Reference (7.) that out of the City of Newton, IA, approximately 15,000 citizens, only 2,616 valid votes were submitted by the people of the City of Newton, IA.  

The 2022 City of Newton, IA voting data calls into question whether the evidence of abuse and other alleged unlawful acts the City of Newton, IA, leadership has historically produced against its current or past citizens related to false arrests, speech-related arrests during public meetings, and false criminal allegations related to public records requests during active complaints with the Iowa Public Information Board has manifested a social and political paradigm within the City of Newton, IA regarding citizens of lower classes with fewer resources being fearful of participating in civic and democratic activities when considering the evidence of the City of Newton, IA leadership’s historical hostility and other acts of abuse toward citizens who lawfully question or request public records that document the actions and conduct of those who have been elected or appointed with trust to manage the people’s government.

The evidence suggests a possible conclusion that the low numbers of participating voters within the City of Newton, IA, possibly relate to voters being disenfranchised and losing trust and confidence in the democratic process within the City of Newton, IA. At the same time, considering the evidence that shows the leadership of this Iowa government body manifests a paradigm where citizens who question the current leadership while requesting public records are misled and harassed by the City of Newton, IA’s contracted attorney, Matthew Brick of Brick Gentry, P.C. or arrested by its Chief of Police after expressing an opinion. The evidence supporting the current political climate within the City of Newton, IA, poses a reasonable question regarding why any citizen would want to get involved in the democratic process within this municipality or exercise protected rights and liberties. At the same time, the evidence shows those who currently or previously led this government body utilize tax dollars to deploy what evidence shows is an unethical licensed attorney and chief of police to mislead, intimidate, and threaten citizens with false allegations of criminal conduct who request public records and file complaints against the City of Newton, IA, and unlawful arrests for those who communicate an opinion that evidence shows those who lead this government body feel are entitled to ignore or suppress.

In this case, the evidence supports the conclusion that the City of Newton, IA, is an Iowa government body led by those with local social or small business fame who produce evidence of entitlement regarding actions that indicate they feel they are above the law. At the same time, the evidence of their execution provides a reasonable conclusion that the current leadership should return to their private lives and make room for a qualified operator who can inspire the people and ethically lead this government body. At the same time, leading and inspiring more than a few hundred people in a municipality that records indicate has approximately 15,000 citizens.

The Form of New Rome

An alleged democracy that utilizes tax dollars to weaponize its legal counsel against citizens who produce evidence of lawful conduct related to public records requests or public protests will devolve into a state of tyranny. At the same time, some of those who allegedly lead this devolving state only produce evidence of serving themselves and their political or personal pursuits while pushing legislation that furthers party interests as opposed to our nation’s and the people’s interests. This nation is currently producing evidence of losing its position regarding global leadership because the evidence shows that its current alleged leadership is hyper-focused only on the success of its political party as opposed to the success of our nation and its people. At the same time, some within the political ranks produce evidence of deploying improperly interpreted scripture from the Holy Bible while attempting to manipulate the populous to walk in the desired direction.

The Form of Iowa Government Body Hyprocricy

City of Newton, IA Police Department Officer Ryan Zylstra – The following video, “Bedtime Stories with NPD Officer Ryan Zylstra,” was produced utilizing audio/video public records provided by the City of Newton, IA. Initial findings during amateur clinical trials have found that this video has improved sleep efficiency among those suffering from mild to acute forms of trauma related to the City of Newton, IA’s false arrests, speech-related arrests, and false allegations of criminal conduct utilized to intimidate those seeking and requesting public records in the State of Iowa.
The Form of Zylstra: The following video has provided evidence in amateur clinical trials of delivering remarkable results as a tool of immersion therapy regarding victims of unequal law enforcement and evidence of multi-year discrimination (gender-based/mental-health-based) produced by alleged law enforcement departments in the State of Iowa. The question that should be asked is where would we be as a country if every repeat offender who struck a disabled veteran (or any citizen walking in a properly marked crosswalk) while driving without a license was provided a 15th warning as opposed to proper charges related to striking a pedestrian? At the same time, the alleged law enforcement officer handling the incident only produced the charge issued to escape getting into trouble. Note: The alleged law enforcement officer involved in this incident report is the same Newton, IA PD officer who handled the temporary domestic abuse restraining order violation (involving the citizen struck by the car, which was a protected party) that the City of Newton, IA, took zero action on. The evidence indicates that if you are driving in Newton, IA, and you hit an Iowa public records requester in the State of Iowa that the state does not like, ultimately, you will not be properly charged, and what charges are issued will be dismissed in court. Note: The originator of this correspondence and the citizen struck by a car, as shown in this Iowa Incident Report stored and preserved by the City of Newton, IA was, returning from personally serving a public records request at the City of Newton, IA City Hall after the City of Newton, IA produced evidence of halting the victim in this traffic incident with the ability to communicate with the city electronically. At the same time, the City of Newton, IA, utilized a false allegation of criminal conduct that the city failed to file with the Iowa Court to justify this halt of access to public accommodations. The originator of this correspondence has a trail of correspondence showing the City of Newton, IA’s refusal to provide security footage of publicly available space showing the originator of this correspondence location at the City of Newton, IA City Hall before this pedestrian meets motor vehicle accident/traffic incident.

See: Time: 1:26:35

The evidence indicates that the City of Newton, IA Attorney, Matthew Brick of Brick Gentry, P.C., is not an ethical, moral, or competent lawyer. The evidence suggests he is nothing more than a slowly decaying rich kid who believes he is entitled to elevated rights and liberties via his social status and political influence compared to the rights and freedoms the evidence shows his conduct provides those who interact with his client. At the same time, the word vexatious, as utilized by the State of Iowa, is nothing more than a word used to describe a citizen producing evidence of lawful conduct while competently providing evidence of unethical and possibly unlawful conduct executed by some within this state’s ruling class that evidence indicates possess a personal belief that they are above the law. Suppose the City of Newton, IA Attorney, Matthew Brick of Brick Gentry, P.C., was an ethical and competent lawyer. In that case, it would be reasonable to conclude that the evidence would also suggest that he was not currently being publicly and lawfully dismantled by a disabled veteran who barely possesses a high school diploma.

This case provides evidence supporting a reasonable conclusion that elevated rights, liberties, and the acceptance of provocative and explicit conduct are accepted and even chuckled at by the ruling class and its citizens when executed or manifested by those that evidence indicates the audience has not produced evidence of possible social, class-based, or protected class-based prejudices that lead to evidence of discrimination and ultimately the criminalization of the unpopular, undesirable, or unwanted within society.

Iowa Public Information Board Complaint – City of Newton, IA

Date of Violation:  15 DEC 2023

Name of Government Officials Involved:  See:  Included correspondence” <>, ““<>, “” <>, “” <>, “” <>, “” <>, “” <>,

Name of government entity involved: City of Newton, IA

Alleged violation of: Iowa Code Chapter 22

Other persons having information and their contact information: the City of Newton, IA Attorney Matthew Brick, Brick Gentry, P.C.

Description of alleged violation: The City of Newton, IA, has established in the provided historical correspondence that the Complainant is to contact the City of Newton, IA, Attorney Matthew Brick, regarding his public records requests (See Exhibit (16.). At the same time, the evidence shows that the City of Newton, IA Attorney Matthew Brick failed or refused to provide proper direction and guidance regarding the availability and fee in accordance with Iowa Code Section 22.3 related to the requested public record showing his questionable use of language during a public meeting in the same government body chambers his client arrested a citizen for arguably less offensive speech that was critical of current city leadership.

Personal Contact Information:

Michael J. Merritt

The Form of the Fifth Gen Law Firm – The Form of the Judicial Dog Fight

An Adversary who has become blinded by the intoxication caused by the evidence of their vanity, advanced capabilities, and political influence while manifesting a paradigm in which they fail to identify and calculate the passion, tactical capabilities, and strategic vision of a third party who is only inspired by the challenges manifested by the disabilities they face on the path to an honorable and lawful conquest.

Evidence supporting the conclusion that the City of Newton, IA, Jasper County, IA, and the Iowa Public Information Board coordinated the misrepresentation of facts, requests for public records, and government body public records while working to conceal public records related to their handling of a domestic abuse complaint while building alleged unlawful prejudice against and Iowa public records requester will be provided in the originator of this correspondence second complaint against the Iowa Public Information Board filed with the Iowa Civil Rights Commission in January 2024. Complaints against the City of Newton, IA, Jasper Couty, IA, and Poweshiek County, IA, related to evidence supporting a failure to enforce Iowa Code Section 708.7, inconsistency of enforcement of Iowa Code Section 708.7, or evidence supporting the strategic criminalization of service-connected mental health disabilities (Jasper County, IA) will be filed with the Iowa Civil Rights Commission in the upcoming weeks.

Legal Disclaimer: This correspondence does not communicate a past, present, or future violation of the United States or Iowa Codes. This correspondence provides evidence of the passion within a constitutional poet who refuses to allow the rights and liberties of those he served for twenty years in the United States Navy to be impacted unethically or unlawfully by those who sit around public particle board tables in the State of Iowa who have produced evidence of not possessing the life experience, competence, ownership, or responsibility required to defend the rights, life, and liberty of others.

The defense of freedom requires more than evidence of entitlement, nice clothing, and unqualified arrogance in the Persian Gulf.

City of Newton, IA 17 APR 2023 City Council Meeting

The Walls of Jericho

I do not exist; I am a face with no name. My life ended many years ago. It is the power of God that will crack the brick wall that conceals the evidence of the state’s deceit and tyranny. At the same time, the Light of Truth is revealed to God’s people.

Those who follow and endorse deceit will share eternity with it.


Cipher Hunter

Legal Name: Michael J. Merritt, as documented on birth records stored and preserved by Marshall County, IA.


1. Iowa Rules of the Court Chapter 32 Rule 32:4.4 RESPECT FOR RIGHTS OF THIRD PERSONS


1.  Kauffman, Clark. “Newton Police Sued over Traffic Stop That Generated 1.6 Million YouTube Views.” The Des Moines Register, Iowa Capital Dispatch, 6 Feb. 2023, Accessed 30 Jan. 2024.
2. Clark Kauffman, Iowa Capital Dispatch September 15. “Proposed Bill Would Block ‘vexatious’ Citizens from Accessing Public Records.” Iowa Capital Dispatch, 15 Sept. 2023,
3.  Clark Kauffman, Iowa Capital Dispatch September 22. “How One Man’s Actions Led to Proposed New Limits on Public-Records Access.” Iowa Capital Dispatch, 23 Sept. 2023,
4. Kauffman, Clark. “Persistent Newton Requester Inspires Proposal That Could Limit Iowa Public Records Access.” The Des Moines Register, Iowa Capital Dispatch, 25 Sept. 2023,
5. Braunschweig, Christopher. “Settlement Agreement Requires Owner to Demolish Damaged Downtown Building.” Newton Daily News, Newton Daily News, 5 Oct. 2023, Accessed 1 Dec. 2023.
6. Kauffman, Clark. “City Sued for Arresting Man Who Criticized Newton Mayor and Police – Iowa Capital Dispatch.” Iowa Capital Dispatch, 12 Oct. 2023, Accessed 1 Dec. 2023.
7. Braunschweig, Christopher. “Evelyn George Is the New Mayor of Newton, Unofficial Results Show.” Newton Daily News, Newton Daily News, 8 Nov. 2023, Accessed 30 Jan. 2024.
8.  The Form of the Iowa Class Battleship and the Sea of Tyranny Manifested By Iowa’s Alleged Information Concealment Board, 29 SEP 2023
9. The Form of the Iowa Class Veteran, 07 OCT 2023
10. The Final Deployment, The Race Between Good and Evil, 21 NOV 2023
11. Lions, Tigers, Vexatious Records Requesters Oh My!, 06 DEC 2023
12. Declaration and Response to Iowa Civil Rights Commission Correspondence, 13 DEC 2023
13. The Form of the Constitutional Maverick – Iowa Open Records Request – Iowa Public Information Board – 1797 – CM-X2 – Elimination of the Fog of War – Section 01 of 05, 11 JAN 2024
14. The Form of the Wickedness of the Judicial Painter, 23 JAN 2024
15. Electronic Mail – Iowa Public Information Board, 24 JAN 2024
16. Electronic Mail – NPD Chief of Police Burdess, 01 APR 2022
17. Memorandum – City of Newton, IA Attorney Matthew Brick – 05 AUG 2022
18. Electronic Mail – City of Newton, IA Attorney Matthew Brick – 08 AUG 2022
19. Memorandum – City of Newton, IA Attorney Matthew Brick – 18 NOV 2022
20. Electronic Mail – Michael J. Merritt – 01 DEC 2023
21. Electronic Mail – City of Newton, IA Attorney Matthew Brick – 15 DEC 2023
22. Electronic Mail – Michael J. Merritt – 19 DEC 2023‌