Update to Complaint – Case Number: 10-23-80682 – The Darkness in the Shadows of the #MeToo Movement


I intend to update my complaint with evidence supporting retaliation directed against me by the Iowa Public Information Board. I am requesting a time frame regarding when you require this update, including evidence to be completed. I also want to confirm the receipt of all EML files sent via email, including attachments showing all of the complaints the IPIB produced evidence of refusing to process.

I would also like to provide copies of my most recent complaint filed with the IPIB that was closed pending dismissal today so that the ICRC can compare the evidence of what was provided to the IPIB during this most recent complaint in comparison to the complaints the IPIB disregarded in August 2023 as well as two complaints with Jasper County, IA the IPIB received earlier in 2023 that were also provided to the ICRC.

Available historical evidence provides a reasonable conclusion that Iowa Public Information Board Executive Director Eckley has a significant motivation to damage my rights protected by Iowa Code Chapters 22 and 23. At the same time, the Executive Director has produced evidence of publicly attacking my character and reputation. If you require evidence supporting this conclusion, search for my name on Google while including vexatious.

The evidence supports the conclusion that Executive Director Eckley, like my ex-wife, chose to take their alleged abuse story, including a criminal allegation supported by zero evidence, to the media (traditional/social) as opposed to accomplishing the logical, ethical, and responsible action of notifying law enforcement (or the court having jurisdiction) and filing charges against me. At the same time, as the evidence shows, both Executive Director Eckely and my ex-wife (SDEC: ED100465) used their publicly communicated alleged criminal allegations of abuse as a vehicle to accommodate their pursuit of personal or professional gain.

I will also file an additional complaint against the Iowa Public Information Board related to the evidence that shows that numerous public record requests were disregarded by the Iowa Public Information Board during 2023. At the same time, the IPIB has not yet received authorization from the Iowa Legislature to accommodate this action against an Iowa records requester.


Michael J. Merritt