The Power of Hope, The View of Truth, and the Art of War

Mr. Brick:

Your client was already electronically served my public records request in the electronic mail you responded to.  At the same time, the City of Newton, IA Chief of Police Robert Burdess communicated in an email dated 01 APR 2022 (attached), “Your request is being handled by our contracted City Attorney at Brick Gentry Law Firm. Please contact them with your questions regarding these requests.”  It is unfortunate that the evidence indicates that the University of Iowa College of Law only taught you to evade and falsely accuse strategic, tactical, or civil threats to your clients who are innocent citizens with criminal conduct. If the University of Iowa does not teach these skill sets, they may represent evidence of your law firm’s ethics.

Your client will exceed time thresholds articulated in Iowa Code Section 22.8(4.)(d.) at approximately 2359L on 21 DEC 2023.

Your client will enter complaint thresholds established in Iowa Code Section 23.7 from approximately 0001L on 22 DEC 2023 through Tuesday 30 JAN 2024 at 2359L.

I am evolving my skill sets regarding the California Code of Civil Procedure to the Iowa Civil Code requirements. It is my understanding that I have until 01 DEC 2025 at 2359L to qualify for relief through the Iowa Court in accordance with Iowa Code Section 22.10 regarding this specific public record request.

I recommend that your client implement a content management system (CMS) to facilitate citizens’ ability to download videos of the public meetings your client publishes on their website. Providing streaming links provides nothing more than access to data that is ultimately in the hands, custody, and control of your client, the City of Newton, IA. Similar to digital rights management (DRM), which is a paradigm that allows publishers to retract “licensed access” to content allegedly “purchased,” manifesting the reality that we do not own or have control of anything we do not have lawfully in our physical possession.

Mr. Brick, the failure of your overall strategy lies in the evidence supporting that you conceal and evade from parties that your initial operational risk management (ORM) threat assessments conclude do not pose a civil threat to you or your client in the Iowa Court. Simply put, the evidence suggests that if you perceive Iowa citizen X lacks the resources to challenge or question the evidence of you or your client’s behavior or posture in the Iowa Court, you execute and manifest a provocative set of strategies and tactics that I cannot locate in the Iowa Rules of the Court. In my strategic analysis of this situation, I believe your war strategy will evaporate in the Iowa Court.

Suppose you arrive at a point where you need to file court documents against me regarding the allegation you made against me in your 05 AUG 2022 response to IPIB case 22FC:0071 that I have defamed possibly the City of Newton, IA, and your legal representation of your client. In that case, there is no need to file civil court paperwork against me. Give me an address, and I will ship you my seabag and the key to my 5×10 storage unit.

I want you to remember this holiday season that the evidence indicates that you and the City of Newton, IA, were concealing public records while misrepresenting Iowa Code Section 22.7 (See: Iowa Code Section 22.7(5.) in your 10 FEB and 10 MAR 2022 correspondence.  At the same time, my daughter was drugged and sexually assaulted in the environment that evidence indicates your client abandoned her in. At the same time, the evidence (and the evidence showing both government bodies’ posture towards public record requests related to this situation) indicates the City of Newton, IA, and Jasper County, IA, ignored a temporary domestic abuse restraining order violation in which my children were transferred to the State of Iowa from California without court authorization while concealed from San Diego East County Superior Court Department 5 court-ordered appearances. This concealment from the court was ongoing from AUG 2019 through the first quarter of 2020 in Ames, IA, according to educational records I received from Whitefish, MT Public Schools during the fourth quarter of 2020 and confirmed by academic records provided by Ames, IA Community School District in 2022.

The Form of the Cipher Hunter

Deceit can only survive in darkness for minimal lengths of time. Eventually, it will have to surface for air and to recharge its batteries.

I will be waiting for its arrival in accordance with the US and Iowa Codes.

“If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.”

― Sun Tzu, The Art of War

“The film also vaguely alludes to evil as such (or the devil), not specifically the Nazis, being the “enemy” (“You cut off one head and it grows another…”). This gives the title of The Enemy Below a double meaning not present in the book.”

Wikipedia Contributors. “The Enemy Below.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 29 Nov. 2023, Accessed 19 Dec. 2023.

Personal Sea Story:

Shipmate: “Can I bum a cigarette?”

Shipmate: “You got a lighter?”

Merritt: “Do you want me to smoke the ________ ________ too?”

The Form of Pro Se

The evidence indicates that our country is heading into uncharted darkness in the hands of demagogues and law firms that selfishly serve only their vanity, profit, and desired sum.

When evil infringes on the rights, liberties, and freedoms of the people, it will manifest the heroes that will ultimately defeat it in the Light of God.

Thank you, Mr. Brick, for motivating me and inspiring me to be something more than I was. At the same time, ultimately, the Iowa Court will determine in 2024 whether the honorable manifestation and execution of the principles of information warfare or the State of Iowa’s school of law is superior.

“Appear weak when you are strong, and strong when you are weak.”

― Sun Tzu, The Art of War

Alleged pajamas and wild hair are possibly a physical manifestation of severe depression within those who no longer know how to care about or love themselves. At the same time, they provide an illusion of weakness and easy conquest in the eyes of the adversary. My transparency regarding my weakness is evidence of my humility toward my wisdom, which shows that Jesus Christ provides us with our strength.

Legal Disclaimer:  This correspondence does not communicate a past, present, or future US or Iowa Code violation. This correspondence expresses a commitment to constitutional values within an honorably retired United States Navy Veteran.


Cipher Hunter

Legal Name: Michael J. Merritt, as documented on birth records stored and preserved by Marshall County, IA.