The Fragility of Darkness in the Metaverse

Meta Platforms Inc. (Facebook):

The below electronic mail has been provided for situational awareness. The evidence indicates and supports the conclusion that my use of Facebook was deemed undesirable by unknown parties. At the same time, I was publishing testimony supported by evidence, including complaints with the Iowa Public Information Board and evidence of constitutional and civil rights violations produced by Jasper County, IA, and the City of Newton, IA. I am submitting a complaint with the Iowa Civil Rights Commission against Meta Platforms Inc (Facebook), Altoona Data Center, 100 Share Way NW, Altoona, IA, United States, regarding the evidence that indicates that Meta Platforms Inc. (Facebook) provides a preference for female testimony supported by zero evidence of alleged historical domestic abuse to remain on its platform over male testimony supported by evidence that is also documented in multiple years of medical records stored and preserved by the Department of Defense and the Department of Veterans Affairs.

The evidence indicates and supports the conclusion that male victims investigating alleged government body failures to protect their rights to protect the rights of other citizens are digitally silenced and thrown away by Meta Platforms Inc. (Facebook).

Mr. Zuckerberg, I respectfully submit that I did not serve this country for twenty years in the United States Navy to be silenced by a millennial citizen in a gray t-shirt. My life was destroyed by false criminal allegations of sexual abuse spread across your platforms during the height of the #MeToo Movement by user Claudia J. Bergman (f.k.a Claudia J. Merritt, a.k.a Claudia J. Alatorre, a.k.a CJ Soulful). Allegations of sexual abuse San Diego East County Superior Court documented on 16 SEP 2021 in case ED100465 there is zero evidence supporting these allegations. The United States Navy and the San Diego County Sheriff also investigated these allegations of sexual abuse and determined there is zero evidence supporting these allegations. I am respectfully requesting a point of contact within Meta Platforms Inc. to open a dialog regarding the evidence of government body Facebook Pages belonging to Jasper County, IA, allegedly violating sections of your Terms of Service and Community Standards relating to utilizing your block feature to abridge and control citizens freedom of speech during the 2022 election year. At the same time, Jasper County, IA, has produced evidence of violating the Constitutions of both the State of Iowa and the United States of America.

I respectfully submit that citizens are penalized or lose account access if they violate Meta Platforms Inc. (Facebook) Community Standards or Terms of Service. What is Meta Platforms Inc.’s solution regarding United States government bodies that produce evidence of political corruption and falsely accuse citizens of criminal acts while requesting copies of government body Facebook block lists? At the same time, the Iowa Public Information Board determined in case 22FC:0091 these records are public records in accordance with Iowa Code Chapter 22. I believe government body social media assets belonging to the United States of America or any government agency within its fifty states stored and preserved by Meta Platforms Inc. should be publicly viewable to protect Meta Platforms Inc. (Facebook) and the American people from cyberstential political exploitation and corruption. United States government body social media block list transparency is necessary given the evidence of a government body (Jasper County, IA) ignoring public records requests for block lists stored and preserved by Meta Platforms Inc. (Facebook) allegedly 45 minutes from Meta Platforms Inc’s. Datacenter.

Mark, I was a Cryptographic Technician and an Information Systems Technician for twenty years in the United States Navy. Your historical record provides evidence that you are more accomplished than me in a field that we both share, and I respect that. I respectfully request an opportunity to provide you or a point of contact within your company with evidence of the injustice on your platform so I can continue with my plans to purchase a Meta Quest 2, which should only provide access to a free and democratic metaverse.

The evidence shows that Sara N Merritt, an Education Director for Iowa State University’s Reiman Gardens, was involved in the concealment of my children from court-ordered appearances at San Diego East County Superior Court Department 5, where my children were ordered to provide their testimony in August 2019 regarding allegations of sexual abuse the court documented in attached court documents there is zero evidence supporting these allegations on 16 SEP 2021.

The link below provides approximately 993 pages of public records that provide evidence that Sara N Merritt leads, mentors, and manages personnel and field trips for Iowa Public School children. At the same time, she concealed my children from court-ordered appearances with zero documents authorizing the custody that evidence indicates she maintained with husband Matthew E. Merritt from August 2019 through February 2020, according to education records provided by Ames, IA Community School District.

The Form of Meta Platforms Community Standards and Terms of Service Gender-Based Inconsistency – Respondent – Exhibit D – San Diego East County Superior Court – ED100465

(Exhibit D will not be published publicly. I will not manifest the same pain on others that they desired to inflict on me. “Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.”; Romans 12:21)

Evidence of custody transfer of minor children across state lines that was concealed from and not authorized by San Diego East County Superior Court/Evidence of Claudia J. Bergman/Merritt’s Acknowledgment of violating two domestic abuse no-contact orders that evidence indicates the City of Newton, IA and Jasper County, IA failed to properly enforce and protect the rights of the protected party.

As we evolve into a free republic that protects the rights, liberties, lives, sexual identities, and sexual orientations of all citizens (formed in the human mind and manifested in the human soul), as a nation, we must protect the rights and listen to the testimony supported by evidence of those that have had their lives, gender, sexual identity, and sexual orientation maliciously and heinously destroyed by the unethical across cloud-based commercial platforms while utilizing false allegations of sexual abuse and survivor stories that were found to be not supported by evidence by our nations law enforcement and judicial system.

One person’s words that are not supported by evidence do not and should never be allowed to define the life and identity of another. As a nation, if we allow this paradigm to prevail, I believe we will have exchanged one form of non-consensual restraint for another.

Thank you for your consideration and time in reading this correspondence.


Michael J. Merritt, USN Retired/Writer
Creative Writer/Musician
Information Warfare Specialist
Information Systems Manager
PO BOX 187
Newton, IA 50208

“Bricks made with testimony lacking evidence are equivalent to bricks made with straw without clay.”

Cipher Hunter