The Form of the Flying Dutchman

Executive Director Eckley:

I will be donating a public database I built while being treated at the US Department of Veterans Affairs Des Moines, IA Medical Center for 6 weeks for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) trauma and symptoms that have caused me to isolate myself for the last 5 years of my life.

This database will provide the Iowa Public Information Board a dynamic lookup and verification of where the following government bodies store and preserve their digital public records:

-All Iowa State Agencies

-All Iowa Counties

-Top 100 Iowa Municipalities (Will expand in the future.  At the same time, evidence indicates municipalities smaller than this generally utilize ISP provided infrastructure to save tax dollars. (Preliminary Conclusion))

-All Iowa Public School Districts

This database provides a dynamic lookup in the event a government body has changed providers for verification purposes.

I respectfully submit that when the state makes the decision to store its data on third-party commercial infrastructure or software the state has forfeited its ability to communicate a fee that evidence indicates is possibly only consistent with its internal desires.  Given the evidence that the majority of all Iowa Government Bodies utilize either Microsoft 365 or Google Workspace to store and preserve its government body data.  I respectfully submit it is the Iowa Public Information Board’s responsibility to ensure that the citizens of Iowa are provided records Section 2 of Article 1 and Iowa Code Chapter 22 have determined they have a right to with a consistent fee in accordance with Iowa Code Section 22.3.  An Iowa Government Body should never have the ability to dictate a price point that economically elevates a public record out of reach of the citizens they govern that Section 2 of Article 1 communicates maintain political power over the State of Iowa.  Especially when they do not have physical custody of the cloud-based infrustructure storing the requested data.  In the next year I will be producing a public declaration supported by evidence showing the existence of the invisible subsection of Iowa Code Section 22.7 utilized for public records evidence indicates the State of Iowa desires to conceal:  The elevation of the fee allegedly in accordance with Iowa Code Section 22.3 above what the average citizen can afford for a public record that the state desires not to release.  At the same time, the State covertly produces evidence of establishing a fee that is not ethically consistent with Iowa Code Section 22.3.

It is completely ludicrous, tyrannical, and irresponsible to allow government bodies to blindly determine a fee for the search of information systems infrastructure they do not maintain. 

“In my day a Sys Admin was responsible for the hardware and the software on their network.  Now all you have to do is login to someone else’s infrastructure and make policy.”

-Said an old Salty IT nobody has heard of.

My work is for the purpose of protecting the rights of others that were denied to my children and I by what evidence indicates are unethical parties only invested in safeguarding their own lives, political power, and career paths.

Everything I accomplish I do while serving my Lord Jesus Christ to protect the citizens I have served since 1997.  Everything I accomplish represents his glory.  I am nothing more than a writer that provides evidence of the Truth with no name and no face that died in a dark town home in the City of Newton, IA in 2019 after realizing everyone that I turned to for help had thrown me away as I lost my children and my life within the country that I was returning home to after serving it for twenty years.
