Memorandum – Principal Paine; Flathead High School, Kalispell, MT


DATE: 09 DEC 2020

TO:  Michele Paine Principal, Flathead High School
644 4th Ave W
Kalispell, MT 59901

Attachment: Birth Certificate – ***** ****** Merritt
Birth Certificate – ******* ****** Merritt
Declaration and Voluntary Sworn Statment to the Newton Police Department, IA
Declaration and Evidence of the Petitioner’s Violations of California Penal Code 278.5
Declaration and Evidence of ***** ***** *******’* alleged violation of California Penal Code 273g

References: Montana Code Title 40 FAMILY LAW, Chapter 7
Montana Code Title 41 MINORS, Chapter 3. CHILD ABUSE AND NEGLECT, Part 2. Reports and Investigations, Section 41-3-2010(d)
Montana Code Title 41 MINORS, Chapter 3. CHILD ABUSE AND NEGLECT, Part 2. Reports and Investigations, Section 41-3-207(1)
Montana Code Title 41 MINORS, Chapter 3. CHILD ABUSE AND NEGLECT, Part 1. General, Section 41-3-102(7)(a)
Montana Code Title 45 MINORS, Chapter 5. OFFENSES AGAINST THE PERSON, Part 6. Offenses Against the Family, Section 45-5-634

SUBJ: Records Request/Addition of 4d69636861656c204a2e204d6572726974740d0a0d0a0d0a0d0a0d0a0d0a as a legal Parent for *****/******* Merritt

Mrs. Pain:
I am requesting to be added as a legal parent for the following children at Flathead High School:

***** ******* Merritt Birthdate: 13 MAY 2003
******* ****** Merritt Birthdate: 28 AUG 2005

I am requesting the registration records, all records produced by your school, and all records received by your school for my children while they have attended Flathead High School. I have attached their birth certificates and other supporting documents to provide context for this situation that will be dealt with as it continues to evolve.

You are a school principal; you are responsible for leading people who develop and measure children’s academic development who will lead and determine the future of our country. If you do not feel your job includes protecting the integrity of the parts of children’s minds that you are not required to measure and grade, it is my conclusion you are failing in the execution of your responsibilities under Montana state law.

Medical experts have documented the damage parental alienation and sexual, emotional abuse causes children and how it impacts them throughout their lives. The damage caused when one parent conceals and refuses to allow that child to have a healthy relationship with the other parent. The damage caused to a child’s mental and emotional health when a parent manipulates their mind with false allegations of sexual assault to secure full custody, full child support, and that child’s loyalty against the other parent. My question is, why are you hesitant to report this situation? Is it because these children are with a parent that is the same sex as you, and your own personal bias and discrimination ease your conscience in not getting involved? Is it because by reporting this situation, you are incriminating your colleagues at Whitefish Schools District that failed to report this situation? I have every right to question the integrity and motivations of people who choose not to report abuse that is brought to their attention to the proper social service agencies, and determine if there is abuse occurring when testimony and evidence brought to their attention would motivate any reasonable person to initiate a third-party investigation.

Elizabeth Kaleva of the Kaleva Law Office who represents Whitefish School District, has attempted to communicate to me that her client has not violated the law by not reporting the child concealment and emotional abuse utilizing false allegations of sexual assault brought to her client’s Assistant Principal Peck’s attention on 14 AUG 2020. A simple logical deduction concludes that as a lawyer representing her client, that is the only position that she can take to protect her client in hoping this matter does not go to civil court. As I told her in my correspondence, she is either trying to be a lawyer, or she is incompetent because the Montana Code is very clear:

Montana Code Title 40 FAMILY LAW, Chapter 7, shows your state’s participation and guidelines regarding the Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act. The State of California is also a participant.

Montana Code Title 41 MINORS, Chapter 3. CHILD ABUSE AND NEGLECT, Part 2. Reports and Investigations, Section 41-3-2010(d) states that school teachers, other school officials, and employees who work during regular school hours who have reasonable cause to suspect, as a result of information they receive in their professional or official capacity, that a child is abused or neglected by anyone regardless of whether the person suspected of causing the abuse or neglect is a parent or other person responsible for the child’s welfare, they shall report the matter promptly to the department of public health and human services.

Montana Code Title 41 MINORS, Chapter 3. CHILD ABUSE AND NEGLECT, Part 2. Reports and Investigations, Section 41-3-207(1) states any person, official or institution required by 41-3-201 to report or suspected child abuse or neglect who fails to do so or who prevents another person from reasonably doing so is civilly liable for the damages proximately caused by the act or omission. Paragraph (2) of Section 41-3-207 states except as provided in subsection (3), any person or official required by 41-3-201 to report known or suspected child abuse or neglect who purposely or knowingly fails to report known child abuse or neglect or purposely or knowingly prevents another person from making a report is guilty of a misdemeanor. If a judge in the future rules that the abuse my children have endured is sexual abuse due to the manipulation they have been exposed to regarding false allegations of spousal rape and exploitation in false allegations of child molestation, section 41-3-207 paragraph 3 states failing to report is a felony.

Montana Code Title 41 MINORS, Chapter 3. CHILD ABUSE AND NEGLECT, Part 1. General, Section 41-3-102(7)(a) states, “Child abuse or neglect” means actual physical or psychological harm to a child; substantial risk of physical or psychological harm to a child; or abandonment.

Montana Code Title 45 MINORS, Chapter 5. OFFENSES AGAINST THE PERSON, Part 6. Offenses Against the Family, Section 45-5-634 states a person commits the offense of parenting interference if, knowing that the person has no legal right to do so, the person before the entry of a court order determining parenting rights, takes, entices, or withholds a child from the other parent when the action manifests a purpose to substantially deprive that parent or parenting rights.

Mrs. Paine, your responsibilities in this matter are clear, execute them and keep me updated, or please forward the requested documents and your school district’s attorney’s contact information, and we will let the Montana courts decide if your school and Whitefish School District has failed in their responsibilities.