Evidence indicating a municipality and its police department lack honor, courage, and commitment is represented in the evidence of its:
(1.) Desire to conceal records Iowa Code Section 22.7(5.) articulates are public records documenting its handling of a domestic abuse no-contact order and years of evidence of reports of harassment from the same assailant.
(2.) Evidence showing a government body releasing records requested by a person of one gender while the evidence shows the government body concealed the same form of record from another gender.
(3.) False allegations supported by zero evidence during an active complaint with the Iowa Public Information Board while a government body attempted to intimidate and silence a party seeking public records the government body was seeking to conceal.
(4.) Denying a citizen access to public accommodations provided to the public and denying that citizen their right to due process regarding the allegations justifying the removal of access to the public accommodation being denied to that citizen.
How does this happen?
When the evidence indicates a government body allows itself to be led down a yellow brick road of deceit, betrayal, and corruption with no regard for the lives that are being impacted while the unethical produce evidence of seeking to maintain their grip on power.
Mayor Hansen, I will be at the city council meeting tonight. At the same time, Iowa Code Chapter 802 indicates you and City Attorney Brick’s false allegation against me that I violated Iowa Code Section 708.7, supported by zero evidence, is still within the limitations of our laws.
The question I have for you, Sir: Do you have the courage to put another innocent citizen in front of the Iowa Court?
It has been far too long since I have embraced a morning with government-powdered eggs and milk while doing my best to execute actions representing honor, courage, and commitment while serving on government property. If I have violated our laws as you and your attorney have stipulated while denying me rights and liberties without due process, it would seem logical for your to dispatch Chief of Police Burdess in his Cardinal Cart and arrest me so that I may face the evidence and my accuser. Not sit here wasting my time and teasing me with a night in handcuffs while I am impacted by evidence of your entitlement. Yet, simultaneously, you continue to produce evidence of having your finger on the mute button.
Soft copies, including the Iowa Civil Rights Commission Complaint form, will be forwarded later today. All referenced exhibits are available to download at the below URL.